Our Mob Programming Team Interviewed on .NET Rocks

We have finally hit the big time!!!

Our Mob Programming Team has been interviewed by Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell.

We had a lot of fun, and want to give a HUGE thank-you to Carl and Richard: THANK YOU!  It was a wonderful experience for us, and we really appreciate the chance to share our style of work with the .NET Rocks audience.

Here is a link to the interview:  http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?showNum=912

And here is a link to a few interesting articles here:

Mob Programming Basics: https://mobprogramming.org/mob-programming-basics/

3 minute time-lapse video of a full day of us working as a Mob: https://mobprogramming.org/mob-programming-time-lapse-video-a-day-of-mob-programming/

Thanks for visiting!!!

One Comment

  1. I listened to the podcast today; very good interview. Your team sounds very pragmatic, and I appreciate that your approach stems from discovery through retrospection rather than some sort of philosophical speculation. I also dig how you are sharing in a generous ‘this is what is working for us’ kind of way rather than a prescriptive ‘you should all be doing this’.

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