Mob Programming – Your Way

Nimble Thoughts by Dexter Baga What is Mob Programming? “Mob Programming” is simply a name we coined to describe/define what we do in our daily development tasks that allows us to be agile. We are a “Mob” since the entire team are always together, in the same room, walking together to meet a customer, making …

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Mob Programming: What about Ego?

What about Ego? Today during the Mob Programming session at Agile 2013(#Agile2013) we were asked the question “Does the Mob have to deal with issues related to Ego?” The Egotistic Developer In my experiences in previous jobs, egotism came into play when a developer or manager attempted to push a personal agenda related to a …

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How does the mob get away with no estimates?

Does the mob really use no estimates? In the time that we have done development as a mob we have done no estimates for management. We value our time as a mob highly and spending that time making guesses about how long it would take us to do something rather than using that time to …

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Failure to Communicate

Individuals Individuals are pretty much the smallest chunk of humanity available for doing software development, and  probably for a lot of other things too. Individuals are a key part of software development. Regardless of what we disagree about, we can hopefully agree that at some point an individual has to do something, or we end up with no …

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